Monday, November 29, 2010

English To Hawaiian Translation


The 5 x 1000, introduced by Minister Tremonti in 2005 and reaffirmed every year, has reduced the stability law passed by the House November 19 - from 400 to just 100 million funding package. And voluntary protest. Because if in 2008 the 5 x 1000 brought into the coffers of the associations of € 397.5 million, the imposition of a ceiling of € 100 million corresponds to a cut in resources for the voluntary 75%. "The government has decided to rob, This is because of this, voluntary donations, "De Iuliis association attacks Tusio Help them to live. "Despite millions (14,652,659 in 2008 alone) Italian citizens taxpayers every year choose to financially support voluntary and third sector, the government once again, after having forgotten in the proposed Budget, decides to break 300 million of the 400 planned. " "The 5 per thousand," De Iuliis protest again, "is the result of a provision determined freely by the taxpayer for which the state plays only an intermediary role, but have forgotten. This is Italy? Long live Italy, then, that drugged by gossip and crime. Viva rogues and scoundrels who roam the cars blue and gray with lots of flashing lights on and an escort under the seat, the clever live that when we meet enamored and pretend to look out the vacuum and we spit on their status as untouchable guappi of a sick society to the bone. " And on the web page started the campaign "Do not touch the 5 x 1000" with which they are sponsoring more than 200 organizations throughout Italy including Emergency, WWF, UNICEF, Telephone Blue, Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace, Do, Airc, Free. Over 144 000 signatures already collected. "These cuts," reads in the appeal, 'Have significant repercussions on the operation of third sector organizations that have demonstrated in recent years even more evident, a very high professionalism, the object of appreciation in Italy and abroad, and therefore a source of pride for our country. These organizations, not unlike other social and economic base their activities on the financial programming of existing commitments and ensure a sustainable future for their actions in different fields of reference. "