Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Is 14 The Right Age To Get Fingerd

A child whose parents have drink raw milk was infected with E. coli .
The pasteurization of milk (the name comes from Pasteur, nobel prize for having understood that diseases are not caused by evil gnomes but by microorganisms) is done because in raw milk, there are a lot of things that hurt.
L ' Escherichia coli is a bacterium natured, using the beginners in biology laboratories, where it is virtually impossible to be infected. This
just to remember that technological progress is not free, and that in the good old days when things were genuine, they die like flies.

Childhood memories: my mother told me that his grandparents as a child made her drink the milk of goats, but only after it has been boiled and cleaned up the pallette of feces (the goats are domestic, but retain a deep feeling anarchist) . On the other hand, my great-grandparents are able to reproduce.

Now that I think, I propose a collection to give a provider of raw milk to notav. And maybe even in a parliament, that good ideas should be exploited!